Monday, August 30, 2010

Examples of Solving Systems of Equations

1. This is your first equation.
2. This is your second equation.
You will be using these equations to substitute each equation into the other. Hence Substitution method.
3. This is the equation you will be using to make it equal to Y.

4. To make the equation equal to Y. In this equation you would move the x over hence subtracting it from ten. Making the equation Y = 10-x

5. This is the equation you will be inserting Y= 10-x into.

6. Making the resulting equation 2x+(10-x) = 15

7. Simplify the equation to make it equal X + 10 = 15

8. Once you simplify the equation all the way it will equal. X = 5.

9.Insert the 5 into one of the equations to find out what y is.

10. This makes the equation 5+Y=10

11. This makes Y = 5 also.

12. put the points together to sum them up to (5,5)
That is your answer.
*When substituting make it easier on yourself and choose the easier equation to find your first variable.

Solving a System of Linear Equations in Two Variables